Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Chance is feeling better!!!!!!!!!!

Chance had another long day at the vet today. He was given fluids and they are now leaning the most towards thyroid problems and so they did a blood test and sent it off so I do not know for sure yet if he does have a thyroid problem or not but we started meds for that today. I guess the thing causing him the most discomfort in the past day or two must have been the constipation. I went with friends to dinner tonight and when I got back Chance was his old self again! When I went to change out the litter boxes I noticed he had done some major stuff while I was gone. I'm so glad he seems to be feeling so much better. I just hope this continues. It has been a rough 4 days. It has been hard to see him so miserable and not to be able to do much for him even though we have been trying so hard.

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