People are crazy. No, insane really. It seems you can't even go buy a gallon of milk right now without at least fighting the crazy crowds at the store and the traffic to get there.
Anyway... somebody could have killed me tonight on my way to a basketball game. I was on a windy two lane road that the speed limit was 40 mph on and going probably somewhere between 45 and 50. (and it is dark outside) The moron behind me decides I am not going fast enough and pulls out to pass me in a curve and of course speeds up as he comes out to pass. When he goes around the curve he meets a set of headlights that are awful close to him. I'm thinking I'm going to get killed when these two cars collide and one gets thrown into me. The two cars slam on their brakes and are sliding everywhere and I go off the road a bit to get out of the way. Thank God nobody hit anybody and I took off again. The bad thing was the guy behind me turned off that road not long after all this happened. Why are people in such a big hurry???
When Mom and I went to see Mannheim Steamroller we stopped in Cullman to eat at Cracker Barrel. (more about that in a minute) When we left, and were getting ready to turn on the interstate this guy comes up behind me and starts honking his horn at me like there is no tomorrow. The light IS green but I am turning and there are cars coming the other direction that I guess I was supposed to just run into. He kept honking and getting closer and closer to me. Then when the light turned red he honked some more. I must confess there was ONE break in the traffic where I might could have gone but with him carrying on back there I wasn't about to. He could have given an old person a heart attack the way he was honking like that. IDIOT! Pure nonsense!
Our waitress at Cracker Barrel was not all that great and the food wasn't too great either. Mom ordered coffee but they usually will also bring water or ask if you want some but they did neither so she asked for some water and I asked for a straw. So, she comes back and puts a straw in front of me and water in front of Mom. No straw for Mom. Mom just looked at me and I had to laugh. She didn't ask for a straw - only I did! Then I order a bacon cheeseburger and she brings it out and there is no cheese on it. I wasn't paying attention so she left and then we called her back and told her there was no cheese on my bacon cheeseburger and she asked if that was all that was wrong with it. Then she turns around to leave without saying anything else. I said hey, wait a minute. What are you going to do? Are you bringing me a whole new burger or just a piece of cheese or what is your plan? Because I don't want you to just bring me a piece of cheese. I want it melted on there. So, you want me to take your burger and melt some cheese on it she says. I said well, yeah unless you are going to bring me a whole new one or something. She was something else.
Then tonight at the basketball game I went to some guy got kicked out of there! The ref made a bad call and this guy was ugly and mouthing off and so then the ref consulted with another ref that was watching and sitting where they were running the clock. The ref apologized and corrected the bad call - gave the ball back to the right team and the guy is STILL carrying on. I mean, come on. He apologized and reversed his call. So get over it. No harm done. Mr. Hot Head just could not let it be though and carried on and so the ref that was just watching the game told the guy to leave. I thought some people were going to get in a fist fight there for a few minutes. This is at an 8-9 year olds girls basketball game. I feel sorry for the kid whose Dad that was and pray that somehow she doesn't follow in his footsteps. Sad really.
I'm just glad I made it home tonight! (and from Mannheim Steamroller too) It was a good concert and we made it there to our seat with 5 minutes to spare before it started. Mom got to get a cd signed so when we got back to the car all the traffic was cleared out and getting back to the interstate was a piece of cake!
Now I just wish I could stop all this coughing......
January 2025- A lesson in hope
4 weeks ago