Thursday, June 18, 2009

Who knew????

Who knew marshmellows and duffel bags could be so much fun!

I was eating some marshmellows tonight and I typically let the cats sniff what I am eating as they always act like they are just SO deprived to not eat what I am. Usually they just sniff and walk away but they were a bit more interested in the marshmellows. Chance wasn't quite sure what to do with his but finally decided it was good for eating. Gracie thought hers was good for playing but she must have licked it or something as it kept getting stuck on her foot and she kept trying to sling it off and then when she would get it slung off she would go chase it and bat it and chase it again. She kept stopping to look at Chance eating his like she was wondering why he was eating a perfectly good toy. It was funny to watch them but I didn't get any good pics of that. Didn't think about the camera soon enough. :(

The picture below is Gracie in one of my duffel bags. I did NOT put her in there. She just got in herself and scrambled around awhile trying to get comfy I guess. You couldn't even tell she was in there until she stuck her head out to look around.

The cats sure have changed things around here!

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