Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Day

We all got stockings on Christmas day! Chance and Gracie got a can of tuna and can of condensed milk and lots of balls and toy mice and some treats.

I got a game for my ds, perfume, stuff to do my fingernails with, chocolate covered pecans, air freshners for the car, a big candy bar, etc.

That ball Gracie is playing with is her favorite. They had a green one like that but it no longer has the metallic strands on it at all.


Mrs. Laura Aquila, the teacher said...

Are your living room walls a shade of yellow now? It looks pretty...did not know if you painted or if it was just the lighting. I like the chair/upholstery in the photos as well. That is a nice color:)

Michelle said...

No, I haven't painted at all. I guess it was just the lighting. I didn't notice that in the pics until you pointed it out. I guess that is an idea for a color though!

The chair came from Mom. She was getting rid of it and I decided I wanted it. It is one of those chair and a half I guess they call it? It is comfy.

Sherry said...

Chance and Gracie are really cute, aren't you glad you became a cat owner. I do think that chair needs to come to my house. :)