Friday, September 19, 2008

A first!

I worked until just about midnight tonight!!!!!!!!!! I have NEVER stayed that late at work. I was the last person out the door! My boss went out right before me but he waited in the parking lot until I came out and got my car started before he left. I can't believe we outlasted Rickey and Scott.

Rickey had a time with things tonight. I called the contractor to see how they were coming with getting a negotiation wrapped up and Rickey ran to get the phone. He said it was going slow. He then went on to say he could stick a lead pencil in his eye and it would be more pleasant than what he was doing!

I had NO idea when I left this morning that it would be such a long day at work. I got another job completed tonight and did the paperwork package for a coworker on her job that needed to be in the budget office this evening so money could be obligated early in the morning. I am hoping to get another job wrapped up tomorrow and I was just assigned two roof jobs this evening and one of them is HUGE.

It is 1am so I am off to bed now!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Tommy said...

WOW!!! Duckey

I am proud of you!!!

The Boss will also be impressed.

Great Job.