Friday, July 18, 2008

Warning Sign

This was a sign in our bathroom on the cruise and it was posted at EVERY potty on the boat. We cruised with Women of Faith. Anita Renfroe was there and said that we should make sure we pay attention to the sign in the bathroom that says "Do not flush while seated". She went on to explain that it requires a lot of pressure to move water around on a boat and so if you flush while you are seated you will not initially be able to get up and when you do you will have one ginormous hiney hickey! I must admit I was a bit tempted to flush while seated just to see exactly what might happen. But, I thought since there IS quite a suction when you flush maybe I'd better not. I didn't think I really wanted a hiney hickey and I thought it might take some time to go away. And, it won't be super long before I have my yearly physical and........... well, can you imagine trying to explain that to the doctor???

1 comment:

Mrs. Laura Aquila, the teacher said...

I am shocked that you did not try it, or at least convince your mom to do so. (I bet you thought about it:) I am sure Dr. K would have gotten a kick out the story if you had gotten a hickey.